My Mission

Transitioning from the Armed Forces to civilian life can be difficult.

My journey began when I became an adult and joined the Navy. My success there made me feel like everything I touched had the Midas touch. From consistent early promotions and numerous awards to being a top performer and earning an advanced degree, I felt unstoppable.

Unfortunately, my body betrayed me. It was discovered that I had a disability that made me “unfit for duty.” The next phase of the process was a painful emotional and physical struggle. Confusion, hurt, fear, disillusionment, and a sense of failure flooded my mind. I began to feel as though my once golden touch had turned into Murphy’s Law. I faced the loss of income, violence in my community, and trouble with the education system—all as a single parent.

Yet through this tumultuous journey, I learned the importance of making slow, steady progress. That’s exactly what I did, until that steady pace eventually brought me back to a place of comfort—only now, it was better. With experience and wisdom.

My only regret is that I didn’t realize sooner that I needed help. But now I’m back in a space of comfort I’ve known before—only better. And now, I want to help you on your journey. Always remember: despair doesn’t get the final say. WE DO.